Non-invasive Remote Sensing Systems for Stress less Animal Weighing

Non-invasive Remote Sensing System for Stress less Cattle Weighing

Use of artificial intelligence(AI) and 3D camera technology for stress less cattle weighing solution using smartphone:

  • Easy, no stress no weight loss
  • In the kraal, on the grazing field
  • Weighing without moving the cattle
  • Mobile and flexible
  • Quick, less than one minute
  • Only one person needed
  • Reduces paperwork

Agroninja Beefie3D- Stress less Weighing Device

Non-invasive Remote Sensing Systems For Pigs & Sheep Weight Estimations

Manual weighing of -consuming. Loop39 weighs the pigs via a camera mounted above one or more of the pens in the house. An algorithm analyzes the images and determines the pigs' weight. The camera weighing system provides the farmer with valuable information about the current average weight of the pigs in a pen and the dispersion in the pigs' weight. It enables the farmer to respond to the factors affecting the pigs' growth.

  • No manual weighing of the pigs
  • Weighing data based on 24/7 365
  • Real-time is always available for the management system.
  • No mechanical scale in the pen.
  • Cost-effective solutions – easy to implement in most pens.

A weight estimation is proposed by capturing images with a 3D camera from a zenithal plane of the lamb. The real live weight of the animal will be estimated.

Non-invasive Remote Sensing Systems for Broiler Weight Estimation

Image processing can automate poultry weight estimation. Weight estimation and crop uniformity are two of the more difficult metrics to monitor in poultry production. Remote sensing technology uses a combination of image processing and machine learning to deliver touchless, accurate and representative data on bird heath and production practices.

We gather the information through image processing. The camera takes images and we then estimate the weight of the birds in the image. Those weights are fed into the cloud, where they are further analyzed and distributed to the user’s app.

Many things can threaten your chicken coop, from wild animals to thieves wishing to steal your eggs and chickens. That’s why it’s imperative you get a camera to ensure the safety of your coop at all times.

Smart Dairy Farming Solutions

We have something for the diary farmer too. Loop39 is committed to developing and providing farmers in Botswana with indicators and services with high added value for the management of their livestock:

  • Detect day and night the animals to watch to help you intervene at the best time.
  • Anticipate risky situations by providing you with qualified indicators to monitor their evolution.
  • Optimize the performance of your different batches of animals by ensuring their good conduct, health and by identifying as soon as possible the need to correct the ration (quantity, fibrosity) or to engage in health care (mycotoxins ).
  • No mechanical scale in the pen.
  • Save time and serenity by reducing the on-call surveillance.

A weight estimation is proposed by Farm life monitoring and control solutions for the health of cattle. Our technology partner designs, produces associated IT solutions that includes the following services: Heat'Live, Feed'Live®®, Time'Live®, Vel'Live® and Heat Stress® services) for use in livestock farms.

CowManager is the ONLY cow monitoring system that measures (external) ear temperature to determine fertility, health and nutrition of dairy cows. We have a user friendly collars and ear tag sensors that give you real-time insights into the fertility, health and nutrition of your cows. So you can focus on your right cow at the right time.